About European Music Export resource centre


European music deserves to be heard globally! Artists, creators, professionals and music companies developing music export strategies and action plans need knowledge about both European and international music markets they are targeting and also about best practices and tools out there to help them succeed. The European Music Export Resource Centre is designed to provide knowledge and tools for music exporters, gathered in one place and organised for easy access. 


The resource centre is organised into several sections and provides an evergrowing pool of knowledge, insights and tools through the following: 

  • Country profiles – comprehensive yet accessible overviews of both European and international music markets by country. Each profile will have information about the music sectors in the profiled country, segmented by industry subsectors and ranging from overall statistics (where available) to practical suggestions outsourced from local experts. 
  • Music export guides and tools – a wide range of articles, insights, overviews, tools and other resources organised thematically. The content is collected from various sources and provides a truly comprehensive starter kit for those seeking to build an understanding of how and what to do to get your music export plans going.
  • Events calendar – there are many events across Europe and globally where music sector professionals gather to network and learn, such as showcase festivals, conferences, trade fairs and seminars. The resource center calendar provides an up to date and dynamic overview of those events. 
  • Glossary of key terms and concepts – the music sector as any other has its own professional language that, especially for a beginner, can be hard to navigate. Furthermore, many terms are used in different ways from country to country or sector to sector. A glossary provides explanations for terms and concepts used in the materials throughout this website.   

The content in the resource center is mostly a collection of publicly available resources, but some is also based on original research, for example international market studies that can be found from the country profiles. The resource center is an ongoing work with new content added regularly.


The first version of the European Music Export resource center was built as a part of the EMX project and funded by the European Commission as part of the “Music Moves Europe” initiative. The platform is managed by the team of EMEE, the European Music Exporters Exchange. 

  • Tamara Kaminska – project manager
  • Jess Partridge – content manager for learning resources
  • Virgo Sillamaa – content manager for country profiles
  • Jan – …
  • Website by Better Days agency www.betterdays.it

In case you have questions or suggestions regarding the present or future content, please contact us at resourcecenter@europeanmusic.eu